The story...

The story...

Time is the most precious gift we are given. Especially in this day and age, in which we constantly seem to strive for bigger, better, faster and more. Below my personal story about how I got to appreciate time and taking things slow(er). Why I do what I do and what I'd like to contribute to this fast paced world. 


Why I had to stop switching colors

Since I have kids (three of them), life seems to have accelerated to the speed of light. And the list of responsibilities seems endless, as does the list of roles one has to take on. Mother, sister, lover, daughter, entrepreneur, housekeeper, employee, volunteer, artist, student, designer, art director, friend. Do not forget to look splendid while at it, have a blast at everything you do, have fun with your kids always and excel as an artist (instagram keeps reminding me of). I switch roles so often and swiftly I tend to loose myself on the way. I feel like a chameleon at times. I want to do good for others so badly, I change color. I try so hard to meet expectations, I neglect my inner voice. I follow the rules and wait for the results. And one day I realised… I do not feel at home in myself. I forgot how to be me. Once, twice… thrice… burnt out.

Since then I’ve had various coaches to guide me through these periods of exhaustion. And the recurring theme was always the same, I am looking for peace. With my family, in my home, at work, in life in general and mostly in my mind. My ever ranting mind, never not overthinking how to do better, would lead to such weariness. What was the solution to this restlessness? 

I longed for focus so so much. A goal, something to look forward to, to work on, a passion, a purpose.

 And over time (and lots of inner work) it became clear. It was creativity I was missing. Huh, what?! The answer was lying there in plain sight, I just never took the time to stop and notice. There was plenty of it in my life and at work. I was always designing and making the most beautiful branding concepts and designs for others. That’s probably why it took so long to realise. Creativity had always been a part of me and my inner world. But my heart had been longing for a different kind.


It was the autonomous, intrinsic kind I hadn’t been paying attention to for years. I used to paint and draw every day. Just for fun, to relax, to experiment. My missing piece (and peace) was found. My inner world was calling out. I had something to share. So I signed up for some courses to get going. I wanted to make art again. Just for me. Not for anyone else. Total creative freedom to fill my heart with joy. Woohoo!

Obviously things were not as easy as it looked. During the process I came to realise that I am very sensitive to the feelings of others, of my environment, moods and details. Qualities that I always very naturally applied in my work as a designer and art director. But also a feature that could wear me out as I learned that because of this sensitivity I have a much longer processing time. I find it hard to keep up with this fast-paced society, in which speed and performance are so highly rated and evidence of succes. In which we push our limits to go bigger, faster, higher, better, nicer, prettier, louder, smarter, cheaper and richer. And along the way forget to listen to our inner voice with the risk of losing ourselves and that feeling of belonging. I have come to understand that this is such an important part of me, and that so many other people are struggling too...  

It is therefore my innest desire to escape the ratrace and rebel against this fast-paced pushing forward mentality by going slower, with love and with attention. And to take you along on the journey to discover that magic is in the details and can be found in plain sight… 

if you take the time to look closely.


Let's take time to appreciate these wonderful little moments that escape our attention when running for the next errand. I collect them, small treasures; a mood, a beautiful colour, a ray of light, a dreamy look, a gentle touch, a deep thought, a warm feeling, a touching story, natural treasures. Tiny harmonious collections to slow down, to find a little bit of peace in every day, like a daydream and a reminder to feel at home in ourselves and in our lives. 


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